The Unconstitutionality of the Death Penalty

Why the Death Penalty is Unconstitutional

The death penalty is used in some countries for a range of crimes, from murder to drug-related offenses and even non-homicidal rape. In the United States, it is largely reserved for homicide and some non-homicidal crimes against the government such as treason or espionage.

Since Furman, the Supreme Court has issued a wide variety of decisions attempting to clarify its individualized sentencing jurisprudence.

Due Process

When the Supreme Court in Furman ruled that the death penalty violated the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment, it was the beginning of the end of a system that had long denied due process. Justice Stewart called the penalty “harsh and freakishly imposed,” and the Court summarily reversed death sentences nationwide.

The courts require many more safeguards in death-penalty cases, starting with the jury selection. Consequently, trials and appeals last much longer than in other types of criminal cases. This adds greatly to the cost of administering justice, which has led to legislative abolition of the death penalty in Illinois, Connecticut, Montana and elsewhere.

Opposing the death penalty does not mean a lack of sympathy for murder victims. But actual experience establishes that the death penalty does not deter murder. Indeed, it has incited the very crimes it was supposed to deter – such as the case of Daniel Colwell, who killed an off-duty police officer in a parking lot because he feared being executed for another crime.

Equal Protection

Although the Constitution forbids cruel and unusual punishment, states are allowed to retain capital punishment. However, the Supreme Court is responsible for ensuring that state use of the death penalty adheres to our fundamental rights.

In a series of cases culminating in 1972’s Furman v. Georgia, Justices ruled that the death penalty violated equal protection. The Court found that the death penalty was unconstitutional because it was too severe a punishment for the crime and that it lacked consistency, arbitraryity, and offended society’s sense of justice.

Justices also argued that the death penalty was biased against racial minorities, who were twice as likely to be sentenced to death than white defendants. This bias, along with the lack of evidence that the death penalty deters murder and the long time inmates spend on death row, has led many to believe that capital punishment is no longer justifiable.


A fundamental principle of constitutional law is that judicial decisions should be based on objective considerations, and not on personal preferences or whim. A judicial act that does not meet this standard is considered to be “abuse of discretion.”

The Supreme Court has added to this body of legal precedent in several cases. For example, it has ruled that the Sixth Amendment right to trial by jury includes the right to have the jury make factual determinations upon which a sentencing increase may be based.

Furthermore, it has established that it is not a violation of the Eighth Amendment to impose the death penalty if the state has proven beyond a reasonable doubt that aggravating circumstances outweigh mitigating ones. However, this jurisprudence requires that juries have full and complete information to do their jobs properly. Without this requirement, judicial discretion can be abused in ways that distort the jury’s responsibility to decide whether or not to impose the death penalty.


The death penalty is a cruel and unusual punishment under the Eighth Amendment. With little evidence that it deters crime, it is an ineffective use of state resources. It can also cause unnecessary pain and suffering for convicted murderers and their victims.

The Supreme Court recognized this in 1972 in Furman v. Georgia (408 U.S. 238), which ruled that the death penalty violated the Constitution’s ban on “cruel and unusual punishments.” Justices Douglas, Stewart, and White all dissented from this decision.

The Court did not strike down capital punishment altogether in 1976, however, with a group of cases known as Gregg v. Georgia, 428 U.S. 153 (1976). In these cases, the Court held that states could revive the death penalty as long as they developed consistent legal standards for when it was appropriate and provided juries with the ability to make individualized determinations of whether or not to impose the penalty. The Court also affirmed the validity of a bifurcated trial procedure and requirements that juries find one or more statutory aggravating factors before imposing the death penalty.

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The Death Penalty: Legal, deterrent, and just or violation of human rights?

Is the Death Penalty Legal?

The death penalty is a method of punishing people who commit serious crimes. It is used in some countries for murder and other serious crimes, including treason and terrorism-related offenses. The practice violates international law and human rights standards.

In most states, a jury decides whether or not to impose the death penalty. Hung juries usually result in a life sentence. In addition, some states allow judges to impose death penalties for felony murders.

It is a form of punishment

The death penalty can be seen as a form of punishment because it communicates to potential killers that murder is a serious crime. It can also be viewed as a way to communicate other messages, such as that the community supports its victims and that those who commit crimes will be punished. Punishment can take many forms, from deprivations to incarceration to physical torture or even death.

However, the death penalty violates several human rights. It violates the right to life, the prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment and equal protection under the law. It can also be used in a discriminatory manner against the poor and members of racial, ethnic or political minorities. Moreover, it can lead to wrongful convictions, as there have been cases of innocent people being executed. This is especially true in countries that use the death penalty for terrorism-related offences, those under age 18 at the time of their crime or intellectually disabled persons.

It is a deterrent

The death penalty is a deterrent because it sends a clear message that anyone who commits a serious crime like murder will face the death penalty. It is also a form of denunciation and expression of society’s outrage against the offender. It is a more effective deterrent than prison sentences, which do not convey the same message.

Moreover, it is important to remember that the execution of an innocent person cannot be undone. It is also important to note that crime rates have not increased in states that abolished the death penalty, but that they are higher in states that retain it.

Those who support the death penalty often argue that it is morally justified because of its deterrent effect. However, these claims are based on procedural issues and tend to ignore the fact that the death penalty is a lengthy process that involves an arrest; a criminal trial with jury selection, countless tactical decisions, and the possible use of a defense like insanity; and the sentencing phase.

It is a form of justice

The death penalty is a form of justice that communicates a message to society about the value of human life. Similarly, hard treatment, deprivations and incarceration are also vehicles by which society conveys denunciation to the criminals and its outrage about their actions.

Some proponents of capital punishment argue that it benefits society by deterring crime. However, evidence shows that the death penalty is no more effective at reducing murder rates than imprisonment. In addition, it is often used in a disproportionate manner against poor people and members of racial and religious minorities.

The ACLU believes that the death penalty violates the constitution’s ban against cruel and unusual punishment, and the guarantees of due process of law and equal protection under the law. It also violates the principle that the state cannot give itself the right to kill human beings. Furthermore, a state that executes prisoners in torturous and prolonged ways sends contradictory messages to the public about its attitude toward crime and the value of human life.

It is a method of punishment

Many opponents of the death penalty argue that it is morally wrong to execute someone who commits a crime. They claim that the principle of justice bc served requires that all persons be treated equally, and that this requirement is especially rigorous when life and death are at stake. Opponents of the death penalty also argue that executing criminals conveys messages about the value of human life, which are not justifiable from a moral point of view.

Furthermore, the death penalty violates due process of law, and its imposition is arbitrary and irrevocable. It is also disproportionately imposed on people who are poor and racially targeted, and it is used to punish crimes that should not be punished. In addition, the death penalty is often imposed by courts that are not well-trained or impartial. This is an important problem because it can be difficult for juries to understand the complexity of a case and find it guilty or innocent.

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1. Texas: Leading in Executions Despite Lower Murder Rates 2. Oklahoma: Resuming Executions Amidst Botched Controversy 3. Alabama: Executions Persist Despite Lethal Injection Failures 4. Mississippi: New Execution Drugs Amidst Legal Challenge 5. Missouri: Push for Abolition and Judicial Leeway Change

US Death Penalty Executions by Year

A good opening sentence draws the reader in and explains the topic. It can also be thought-provoking or startling.

In most states, a jury must decide whether a defendant should be executed. If the jury cannot agree, the judge will make the decision. Some states allow the general public to attend executions.

1. Texas

Since the Supreme Court reinstated executions in 1984, Texas has executed more people than any other state. That’s despite the fact that the murder rate in Texas is lower than the national average.

A growing number of states have abolished capital punishment, or amended their statutes to make it less onerous. However, there is no evidence that eliminating the death penalty would reduce murder rates or make us safer.

This year was the second consecutive year that the United States executed fewer than 30 prisoners, and the seventh straight year with a low number of botched executions. Seven visibly botched executions occurred in 2022, according to the Death Penalty Information Center (link is external). The most disturbing botched executions involved intravenous lines that were either inserted into veins too slowly or were clogged.

2. Oklahoma

The states of Oklahoma and Texas accounted for half this year’s executions, according to the Death Penalty Information Center. This year, US jurisdictions imposed just 20 new death sentences, and executions are at their lowest rate since 1991, DPIC reported.

That’s a trend that hasn’t halted in Oklahoma, which resumed executions this month after a seven-year moratorium that began with botched executions of Clayton Lockett and Charles Warner. A new method of administering the surgical sedative midazolam has been used in the last two executions, but both men writhed and gasped during their deaths, leading to renewed debate over whether another moratorium is in order. Republican state Rep. Daniel Pae of Lawton says a moratorium could be the answer. He says he wants to break the false dichotomy that people must choose between being “soft on crime” or “tough on crime,” and that a middle ground exists that’s “smart on crime.” Pae also calls for transparency in prosecutorial decisions.

3. Alabama

In 2022, Alabama executed 6 people — more than any other state – despite repeated failures of its lethal injection procedures and a botched execution attempt. Alabama refused to learn from its mistakes and make meaningful changes after the torturous, multi-hour execution of Joe James in July and the botched attempts to execute Alan Miller and Kenneth Smith.

Eddie Powell was executed for killing his daughter’s boyfriend and throwing his body off a rural South Alabama bridge, despite credible evidence that he has intellectual disability. The Supreme Court denied his appeal to vacate the district court’s injunction pending appeal in a one-page decision that did not address the merits of his claims.

Jeff Land was executed despite compelling evidence that he turned his life around on death row and became a peacemaker, according to prison guards who witnessed his transformation. The Court denied clemency in this case and other cases where federal courts have reviewed the prisoners’ constitutional claims.

4. Mississippi

A growing number of states have abolished capital punishment. But in Mississippi, it’s still on the books. It’s also where many of the country’s botched executions have taken place.

But it appears that may be changing. Parchman prison officials say they have a new batch of execution drugs that can be used to put prisoners to death. They’re hoping to use them soon.

But that’s unlikely. Loden is in the middle of a federal lawsuit filed by him and other death row inmates challenging Mississippi’s lethal injection protocol. It’s one of several such lawsuits across the country, filed as states struggle to obtain the drugs needed for executions, with some drug companies reportedly withholding the substances from state governments in order to avoid having their names made public.

5. Missouri

Only Texas, Oklahoma, and Virginia have executed more people than Missouri since the Supreme Court reinstated capital punishment in 1976. But the state’s 97 executions are still relatively low among advanced Western democracies, and it remains a national outlier in its use of the death penalty.

Activists hope 2023 will be the year that lawmakers make small steps toward abolishing the death penalty in the state. They’re focused on eliminating the leeway that some states give judges to impose a death sentence even when a jury can’t agree.

This year, a three-judge panel of the federal Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals halted an execution to allow for a hearing on whether an inmate was competent to be put to death. A similar argument has been raised about the mentally ill man who killed two jail guards in 2000.

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It’s the Korean term for NBA broadcasting, which involves the live transmission of NBA basketball games to viewers, typically through various media platforms.

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Yes, NBA중계 is available in multiple languages, catering to the NBA’s global audience. You can often choose your preferred language option depending on the service provider.…

Challenging Utah’s Firing Squad Protocol in Death Penalty Case

Utah Death Penalty – Ronnie Lee Gardner

Three men have died by firing squad since capital punishment was reinstated in Utah after a decade-long break. One of them, Ronnie Lee Gardner, chose firing squad over lethal injection.

Gardner’s attorneys are challenging the state’s new firing squad protocol, calling it “barbaric.” It involves strapping an inmate into a chair and putting a hood over his head, with a target over his heart.


The last time Utah used the firing squad, Ronnie Lee Gardner sat in a chair with sandbags around him and a target pinned over his heart. Five prison staffers lined up, and each fired a bullet from 25 feet away at his chest. One of the bullets, however, was a blank. That’s to prevent later resentment by those bothered that they may not have killed the inmate.

Many states have dropped the electric chair and firing squad in favor of lethal injection, largely because it takes less time. But Idaho’s governor recently signed a bill that would allow the state to use the firing squad if it can’t get the drugs necessary for lethal injection.

Proponents say firing squads are more humane than lethal injection. They’re quicker and more accurate, and a shot to the heart should cause a quick death. Sonia Sotomayor, a Supreme Court justice, wrote in 2017 that firing squads “may well be the most humane method of execution.” It’s an assertion some legal scholars agree with.


In the days of military discipline, the firing squad was standard punishment for soldiers who committed traitorous acts or refused to fight. In a Utah prison in 2010, Ronnie Lee Gardner sat in a chair with sandbags around him and a target pinned over his heart while five prison staffers fired from about 25 feet away. He was pronounced dead two minutes later.

The state has remodeled its death chamber, installing bullet-resistant glass between the room and witnesses, and a metal firing squad chair into which the condemned will be strapped. A rectangular opening in the wall 15 feet from the chair — positioned so that the shooters’ rifles and the open portal are not visible to witnesses — will allow prisoners to make a final statement before they are strapped into the seat and a hood is placed over their heads.

One commenter argued that the change implements an existing statutory provision and does not expand federal capabilities or increase liability for prison workers. The Department disagrees.


In modern firing squads, the condemned are often blindfolded or hooded to avoid emotional trauma. One rifle is loaded with a blank round, and it’s not known which member of the team holds it, to prevent tampering or identification of the shooter.

The Utah Department of Corrections denied MuckRock’s request for any training documents related to the firing squad, claiming that the records contain “security plans, codes, combinations, security procedures, etc.” and are exempt from public disclosure under state law.

Many scholars, politicians, and prisoners who have been condemned to death argue that firing squads are among the quickest and least painful methods of execution available. In 2017, liberal Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote a fiery dissent that defended firing squads after an Alabama inmate elected to be executed this way over fears of a botched lethal injection.

Final Shooter

After the prisoner is hooded and strapped to the chair, he is faced with five marksmen who train their rifles through a rectangular opening in the wall 15ft away. They fire blanks while keeping their faces hidden, an ancient tradition that allows each shooter to retain some level of deniability.

It’s a method that hasn’t been widely used since the Supreme Court lifted its ban on executions in 1976, with just three firing squad executions taking place – the first of which was Ronnie Lee Gardner in Utah. But the technique could soon make a comeback, after South Carolina passed a law in 2021 allowing it to be used if lethal injection isn’t available.

Some opponents of the death penalty, such as Sonia Sotomayor in 2017, have argued that it might be the most humane way to die. But that assertion has been disputed by many other experts. It’s also been difficult for prison officials to obtain the lethal drugs they need to execute prisoners, with drug companies refusing to supply them.

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Answer: Yes. Most international soccer broadcasts offer commentary in multiple languages for viewers’ convenience.…

The Death Penalty in Ohio: A Shameful Legacy and Urgent Need for Change

Ohio Introduces New Death Penalty Procedure

COLUMBUS, Ohio — The state is currently working to repeal its death penalty, a policy that has failed to deter violent crime or heal the victims of murder. Across the country, there is growing support for legislation that would replace it with life in prison without parole.

A bill authored by State Senators Nickie Antonio, Louis Blessing, Hearcel Craig and Catherine Ingram has been introduced.


The death penalty has a shameful, racist history. Between 1882 and 1968, nearly three-fourths of lynching victims were Black Americans, despite making up no more than 15% of the national population. Ohio’s modern death penalty has the same ugly, racist legacy.

In 1974, Ohio reinstated the death penalty after Furman v. Georgia. Governor Richard Celeste commuted eight death sentences in 1991, citing evidence of racial bias. In 2001, the state eliminated electrocution as a method of execution, leaving lethal injection as the only option.

But the state’s execution system continues to be plagued by inefficiencies and delays. And with new legislation pending, bipartisan support is growing to end the death penalty in Ohio. It’s time to put an end to this expensive, unreliable, geographically arbitrary and racially biased punishment. Then, we can begin to heal from our shameful past.


A gallows is an apparatus used for hanging. The word is often confused with the act of hanging, but there are some differences between the two terms. Both can be dangerous, but each has different contexts. This is why it’s important to be familiar with the terms before using them.

The gallows was used for capital punishment in Ohio until 1897, when it was replaced by the electric chair. This was considered to be a more humane form of execution, and it was used until 1963.

In recent years, there has been a movement to abolish the death penalty in Ohio. This has been led by former Governor Bob Taft, the great-grandson of President William Howard Taft. He has questioned the effectiveness of the death penalty and has highlighted racial disparities in executions. He also criticized the state’s inability to obtain lethal injection drugs. Lou Tobin, executive director of the Ohio Prosecuting Attorneys Association, disagrees with Taft’s views. He says that the death penalty is necessary for some of the most heinous crimes.

Electric chair

The jolt of electricity was supposed to be quick and painless, but autopsy photos of burned inmates gave ammunition to critics. They also cited studies showing that the skull insulates the brain from electrical sensations.

The new execution method was a back-up to lethal injection after Ohio prison officials couldn’t obtain the drug pentobarbital. It was also untested because the state switched from a single drug to a combination of drugs that had never been used together before.

Pharmaceutical companies feared that they would be publicly identified as suppliers of the drugs and refused to sell them. They were right. The Ohio Newspaper Association blasted the legislation as “a bad idea that should not have been rammed through during a postelection session without due and serious consideration.” The ACLU of Ohio is opposing it. As are the Intercommunity Justice and Peace Center and a broad group of partners from faith leaders to conservative allies. The ACLU says that for every six people executed in Ohio, one has been found innocent of the crime they were charged with.

Lethal injection

In Ohio, the state executes inmates via lethal injection. A video has gone viral on social media showing a news broadcast that reads, “OHIO INTRODUCES NEW DEATH PENALTY PROCEDURE.” The logo for the news station is ONN, which stands for the Onion News Network. It’s a satirical video from the publication.

The first drug used in the execution cocktail is supposed to anesthetize inmates. But autopsies show it doesn’t. They have found inmates experience a breathing problem called pulmonary edema that can lead to fluid build-up in the lungs.

This can cause the inmate to wheeze and gasp for air. It can also cause a choking sensation. This is why judges have been hesitant to approve the use of midazolam for lethal injection. They want a more reliable drug that can prevent inmates from experiencing pain during their death. However, that’s been hard to find. Some pharmaceutical companies have blocked their drugs from being used in the lethal injection process.

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A Comprehensive Guide to Becoming a Toto Distributor

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If you’re interested in the world of online betting, then you’ve probably heard of the term “Toto”. But have you ever wondered about the intricacies of the distributor recruitment process? If the answer is yes, you’re in the ideal place.

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Navigating the Job Recruitment

To navigate through the “토토 총판 구인구직” process, you must shrewdly filter the legitimate advertisements from the fraudulent ones. Keep in mind that bona fide Toto platforms will never ask for personal or sensitive data during the recruitment process. The key lies in meticulous research and being well-informed about the recruitment procedures.

In conclusion, the role of a Toto distributor is undoubtedly a promising economic prospect with lucrative potential. If you are keen on joining the Toto ecosystem, be ready to harness your betting acumen and proficiency to contribute to this rapidly growing field!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the primary role of a Toto distributor?

A Toto distributor acts as a mediator connecting gamblers to reputable Toto sites and oversees all promotional activities involved.

How can I become a Toto distributor?

Becoming a Toto distributor involves seeking job adverts in official Toto platforms or recruitment sites and meeting the stipulated job prerequisites regarding age, academic qualifications, and experience.

Why is the demand for Toto distributors on the rise?

With the burgeoning growth in online betting, gamblers are actively seeking reliable platforms, thereby increasing the demand for Toto distributors.

What strategies can help in successfully navigating the recruitment process?

Identifying legitimate recruitment campaigns, conducting thorough research, and understanding the recruitment process are crucial in successfully becoming a Toto distributor.

Is prior experience in betting necessary for becoming a Toto Distributor?

While it varies across different platforms, most Toto organizations prefer candidates with prior betting industry experience, making it advantageous for aspiring Toto distributors.…

The Debate over the Death Penalty

Death Penalty Quiz

Appeals judges scrutinize death penalty cases to make sure that they meet constitutional standards. These include the Eighth Amendment which bans cruel and unusual punishments.

Many states use the electric chair to execute prisoners. Others use lethal injection. Both of these methods can cause severe pain and torture. The Supreme Court has found that these methods violate the Constitution.

What is the purpose of the death penalty?

The death penalty is used to punish those who commit the most severe crime of all, capital murder. Many who support the death penalty claim that it serves as a deterrent to prevent further killings. However, studies have shown that the death penalty does not deter crime, whereas incarceration does.

The majority of federal crimes that are prosecuted as a capital offense do not have a direct relationship to the killing of a person. The decision whether to pursue a capital sentence is made on a case-by-case basis by U.S. Attorney offices, which are required to follow a strict procedure before seeking the death penalty in cases involving capital charges.

The most popular rationale for the death penalty is that it serves a purpose of vengeance for victims’ families. This is a dangerous proposition, since it can lead to a cycle of violence where the punishment does more harm than good. In addition, it can result in innocent people being executed.

Why is the death penalty used?

Many people support the death penalty because they believe it deters murder. This is known as the deterrence theory.

A related argument is that punishment can serve as a kind of communication. For example, punishments such as hard treatment, deprivations, and incarceration are understood as communicating to the community that murder is wrong. Some people have argued that the death penalty conveys a similar message, though others have questioned whether it can effectively communicate denunciation.

Those who are against the death penalty argue that it wastes lives. Those sentenced to die can never contribute to society in the same way that they would have been able to had they been allowed to live. Additionally, the death penalty often results in the execution of innocent people. This ruins the life of those who were wrongfully killed and it damages society as a whole. It is also very expensive for societies to execute people.

Why is the death penalty unconstitutional?

The death penalty violates basic constitutional principles of due process and equal protection. It denies an offender the right to an attorney, and imposes a penalty that is irrevocable, forever barring a defendant from benefiting from new evidence or laws that might warrant reversal of a conviction or setting aside of a death sentence.

It is arbitrary, and often racially biased. Executions are disproportionately imposed upon victims who are white and offenders who are black. It also deprives courts of the ability to exercise their discretion based on facts and circumstances in individual cases, rather than on a sweeping legal principle rooted in centuries of moral, social and cultural tradition.

Moreover, executions impose cruel and unusual punishments. The Supreme Court has found certain punishments – such as the rack or thumbscrew – to be unconstitutional, but it has allowed execution by lethal injection even though the procedure can cause severe pain and suffering. We believe that no amount of procedural regulation can remedy the inherent constitutional defects in the death penalty.

Why is the death penalty harmful to society?

Many people who are against the death penalty argue that it is harmful to society because it cheapens the value of life. By allowing the state to kill convicted murderers, it sends a message that some lives are more valuable than others. This, they argue, is a violation of the right to life and the prohibition on cruel and unusual punishments.

Furthermore, they argue that the execution process is arbitrary and discriminatory. They point out that the entire series of decisions involved in capital cases, from the choice of a charge to the decision whether to impose the death penalty, leaves room for unconscious racial bias and even blatant discrimination.

Finally, they argue that the death penalty does not actually deter crime. They point out that studies have shown that the murder rate in jurisdictions with and without the death penalty is similar. Furthermore, they argue that other measures, such as reducing unemployment or increasing police presence, have more effective deterrent effects than the death penalty.

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